Threshold Care's Green Burial Subcommittee is dedicated to increasing the amount and accessibility of green burial spaces in New Hampshire and surrounding communities.

Green burial is a way of caring for the dead with minimal negative environmental impact.  Green burial grounds allow burial of an un-embalmed body in a natural, biodegradable casket or shroud without requiring the use of a concrete vault.  It is how the U.S. cared for its dead until the late 19th century and is still the way most of humanity care for their dead outside of North America and Europe.

In addition to working with local town Cemetery Trustees, we work with families and private land owners who wish to establish an easement or donate their land for use as a green cemetery.


The Green Burial Subcommittee worked closely with the town of Wilton, NH to bring 56 green burial spaces to the town cemetery.  Read about it here

Want more reading?  The Green Burial Council is a great place to start!

Looking for green burial containers? NHFRE maintains a list of environmentally friendly, locally made products.


Threshold Care Wilton NH New Hampshire Death midwifery home funeral green burial